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Diagramming Lesson 4

Attributive Adjectives

Attributive Adjective - an adjective that comes before a noun and describes or modifies that noun.

Example: Intelligent people think. ("Intelligent" is an adjective modifying "people.")

Example: I bought a new red bicycle. ("New" and "red" both modify bicycle. Even though the words come after the verb, they are still modifying the noun that comes next: bicycle.)

Additional Practice Sentences

1) The tall horse jumps.
2) Many people read.
3) The quiet girl scribbles.
4) The beautiful singer will perform.
5) Some yellow tiles might break.
6) The warm snowman melted.
7) Feisty kids played.
8) A cautious child will become a careful adult.
9) Two boys are best friends.
10) The annoying bug will be swatted.

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