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Practice: Correct the misplaced and dangling modifiers.

                Looking over the edge, the drop-off was steep.

                She colored the leaves green that were on the paper.

                My parents bought a truck from a dealer that was blue.

                Wishing for something to read, the wait made the student feel bored.

                Stuart, which was remarkably frightening, screamed when he saw a spider.


                When I looked over the edge, I saw that the drop-off was steep.

                She colored the leaves that were on the paper green.

                My parents bought a truck that was blue from a dealer.

                Wishing for something to read, the student was bored because of the long wait.

                Stuart screamed when he saw a spider, which was remarkably frightening. <- Be careful – even this is ambiguous.  Is the spider frightening, or is Stuart’s scream frightening?  If your writing turns out like this, consider breaking one sentence into two in order to avoid such confusion.

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